Our Future
There's been a lot of controversy in which direction the United States is heading towards. Some may say it could lead to a very distant but relatively familiar future, meaning it could reflect end up reflecting the past. Others on the other hand may believe it could end up leading to a very unknown future. Me on the other hand, I accept the fact that the main priority should not be focused on the direction the United States is heading towards but overall, for the entire world.
At the present time it seems to me that love is crucial, especially when the feeling of unity is transparent. This doesn't mean that I feel like its nowhere to be found, but it also doesnt mean you see it everywhere you go. Its like comparing unity to a ghost, some people see the situation and believe in it, while others do not accept what goes on. Its almost like unity is a myth... The reason i bring up unity so much is because it's what can make or break our future or so it seems. From what i can see is just a bundle of people playing blame games and insulting one another, for example as bias as I may sound, I have to say it.
Dear White people, Hispanics did not "steal" your jobs. Hispanics will accept anything and everything when it is crucial, seriously... Me for an example i work a 9 to 5 job as a cashier in a burger spot for 8.25 is not my ideal job, but at the same time my mom was in a hospital bed fighting an illness, my father was working two jobs to help pay the bills. Me getting a job was a major thing for me at the moment, that is an example of taking what you can get. If you decide that you didn't want this job because you feel like you're too good for it obviously someone else is going to take that spot, whether they're Mexican, African american, Asian, Even another White person, etc. It does not matter.
Another thing I want to bring up is crime. When are we going to accept the fact that crime is NOT based on RACE. Stop saying that all white people are school shooters due to one or more incidents you have seen on the news. Stop saying that all hispanics are drug dealers due to one famous mexican drug lord youve seen on T.V. and STOP thinking that all blacks are going to rob you also due to what you seen on T.V. or the internet. All the crime doers do Not make up the entire race. So before you judge a person based on the color of his skin and what youve seen on media affect how you see that person as ... well... person and treat each other as kin.
President Donald Trump wants to cut off free trade between the United States of America and South Korea, and make them pay for a 1 Billion dollar defense system known as T.H.A.A.D. At the beginning of Trumps campaign he wanted Mexico to pay for a stupid wall to keep the countries separated. It seems like President Donald Trump trying to show that separating people is a good thing, instead of showing leadership between people and trying to unite with one another. Remember this, what Trump does, could reflect how other countries see us. It isn't just Donald Trump that is representing our country, its the people as well. My point is though, people that see negative things come from someone who is a supposed leader will most likely start to think that negativity is the way to go. Its not... The future relies on the people, we could either turn all this negativity into a drive for change and a better more united future, or we could end up repeating past events that werent so pretty,and ending up way worse... Not just on the U.S. but on this planet we call home. If negativity reaches an all time high, it could mean wars, demolition, riots, bigger than the past.
You choose...