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The Beginning To Something New

In addition to all the "2017 is MY year" conversations that has been brought up within the first month of the year that eventually slowly died down within the month of January, I have personally decided to push through and make it happen. We're only into the third month of the year and I cant necessarily say that I've completed everything I had planned, but what I can say is I am at least I am trying. One of these goals that I have planned is to graduate. Here's the thing about me, I'm not the best when it comes to school, but this year, I have been working my butt off non stop just so i could walk onto that stage and receive my diploma and say "Hey, that wasn't too hard." Even after graduation, it's still gonna be a long journey, what with everything I plan on accomplishing. Streaming on twitch, getting my photography to a whole new level, and even growing on here, this page right now is where I plan on sharing my thoughts, and sharing all of my experiences no matter how weird or random they are. All of this is to help me get out of my comfort zone and keep myself occupied, but in a way, also to hopefully get other people to get out of their comfort zone, and shine some light on to this place we call home.

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